Black Lips @ The Waiting Room, Omaha, NE 4.28.14

Man, has this been a busy flipping week. Swamped at work. Writing a bit. Playing really hard. Burning the Roman Candle at both ends.

Which means that I’m late posting this, but its no less important to me.

This past Monday, I went to see Black Lips at the Waiting Room in Omaha, and ended up writing about it for Hear Nebraska. Here is the link:

If you know anything about their live show (read the article!), you know things can get crazy. I caravanned from Lincoln with some friends, and didn’t really want to detach myself from them to sit alone off to the side and observe. I wanted to participate!

I joined my companions at the front by the stage. Close enough to touch Cole Alexander’s pedal board. Close enough to get tossed multiple feet at a time, back and forth across the pit. Close enough to high-five the band after.

My notebook was a jumbled mess of chicken scratch. There were limbs (and entire bodies) flying, and I was covered in all kinds of perspiration that wasn’t mine. But I wouldn’t have done it any other way. How best to relay the experience of being at a show than by being in the middle of it?

I had a blast. It was more than enough for me to be at a good show, to see a new (to me) band, and to do it all with a great group of people. In a year that has thus far been…well…difficult…I’m extremely thankful to have distractions like these and friends to enjoy them with. Not sure how I’d be getting through without.

Writing about it for Hear Nebraska was just gravy. I might be acting a little over-excited about publishing a second review in two weeks, but I really can’t imagine the novelty ever wearing off. I hope not.

I’ll be tackling something a little bigger this week. I am a little anxious, but still thrilled to be doing HN work. As long as things are going to be hectic anyway, I might as well embrace it.